

The MSU Crew Club is registered as a Club Sport within the Department of Student Life. As a student-run organization, we are not associated with the Athletic Department and we are not eligible to receive funding through MSU Athletics. We rely on fundraising and the generosity of our Alumni, neighbors, and supporters for most of the club’s operating expenses. Your help allows us to: ensure the financial obligations of membership are not a barrier to participation, maintain dues at an affordable rate, maintain a competitive fleet, and adequately compensate our coaching staff.


ALL donations through our Venmo account will go directly to our team! Apart from helping our team’s operations, this money will allow us to purchase equipment that we will get full ownership of! As such, Venmo is our PREFERRED METHOD of receiving donations!

Any donations through these accounts will be money allocated to us through MSU. Physical items we purchase with this money will be the property of the University.

The Red Cedar Rowing Foundation is our Alumni Foundation whose sole purpose is to support the MSU Crew Club. Their goal is to lessen the financial burden that current club members face in hopes of creating a strong foundation for the future growth of the club. The RCRF is a 501c(3) tax exempt organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Donations go towards purchasing equipment such as oars, boats, launches, and other tangible goods that are not paid for directly by the MSU Crew Club members’ dues.